After graduating from university I started off my career at a local Citizens Advice Bureau providing good quality, independent advice to those that were facing problems in their lives and needed support. I progressed from a trainee to a Welfare Benefits Advisor within the first 6 months, and using my expert-level knowledge I supported lots of people to maximise their income, challenge benefit decisions, and navigate the welfare reform changes effectively. I thrived in this area of work, became an expert in my field, and really enjoyed being community-based and genuinely making a difference in people's lives.  

In 2013 I joined Stockport Homes to set up the now well-established Money Advice Service within the Customer Finance Team. The main focus of this service is helping customers maximise their income and Welfare Reform presented lots of changes around that time ensuring customers were not adversely affected and could afford to remain in their homes. I brought my vast knowledge of advice services and the benefits system and used it to ensure Stockport Homes customers had access to an informative, effective, and results-driven service.  

The Money Advice service continues to go from strength to strength with results that speak for themselves. Since 2018 I have also been managing the rent collection service creating a more joined-up approach to income collection focused on providing support with the customer at the heart of everything we do.  

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Stockport Home Values drive the work of me and my team; even in the most challenging times we continue to work hard and strive to make a difference, always achieving excellent results.  

Leanne Merga
Customer Finance Manager