If you are a prospective supplier and are interested in working with Stockport Homes Group, you will need to register (for free) on the ProContract portal and website.

This portal provides an effective way for Stockport Homes Group to engage and communicate with suppliers by providing a single point of contact for buyers and suppliers. It also enables a wide range of suppliers to gain easy access to new business opportunities and contracts.

Once you are registered you can search for opportunities and receive alerts related to your areas of interest. To help you register please refer to the ProContract guide for Suppliers.

Please contact the our Procurement Team at [email protected] if you would like further information on the portal, or have identified a potential contracting opportunity that would benefit from a competitive process.

Equality & Diversity Procurement Guidance

PDF 149Kb

Coming Soon

You will need to register as a current or potential supplier on the new Government Central Digital Platform - more news coming soon.