Tenant Satisfaction Measures have been introduced by, the Regulator of Social Housing, to assess how well housing providers are doing at providing good quality homes and services. Customers can give feedback and share views by answering some questions relating to important services such as repairs and complaints. These measures have been designed to drive up standards and improve the quality of social housing by ensuring housing providers are accountable for the services delivered to customers.
The Regulator will be reviewing this customer feedback information annually from surveys that will start in April 2023, to highlight any areas that could be improved and to work collaboratively with providers to drive service improvements. The regulator will also share best practice from across the country which will help to keep driving improvements in social housing.
Alison Leach is Head of Data at Stockport Homes Group and has recently joined the organisation to lead the data, performance and business intelligence service. The main area of focus is to ensure Stockport Homes Group can maximise value from the information we collect, for customers and the business as a whole. This will contribute to ensuring we are able to consistently strengthen and improve our services based upon feedback we receive.
SHG really do value customer feedback – and we also know that customers do not want to be over surveyed! As part of our commitment to delivering landlord services to keep customers safe in your home – we have added some additional questions to our existing surveys so that we can capture as much feedback as possible in one visit. With this new and revised survey – customer opinions are being seen by the regulators, and it is a truly valued way to help keep improving services.
Alison Leach, Head of Data
The survey will be asking questions about.
- How satisfied customers are with overall service
- The quality of the Repairs Service
- Customer satisfaction with how well maintained their homes are
- Customer satisfaction with the safety of their home and communities
- How customer feel we are listening and acting upon their views
- How customers feel we keep them informed
- Customer satisfaction with being treated fairly and respectfully
Our performance information is open & transparent; see the open and transparent page on the Stockport Homes website for more information.