
Three Sixty Construction Ltd, Stockport


RIBA stages 4-7 (Novation stage)


JCT D & B (post-novation services)

Value & scheme:

£300,000. Two No. 2 bed affordable homes (for rent)

Supported by Homes England funding for Stockport Homes, this vacant former garage site now delivers two No. 2 bedroom family homes for rent. The site is located within an area of established 2 storey post war housing and responds with sensitivity to its neighbour’s and immediate surroundings. Grange Park playing fields are to the rear of the plot, whilst the convenience of Cheadle High Street just a few minute’s walk away made this an ideal site for Stockport Homes to develop.

The proposed scheme is for 2 units, a pair of semi-detached 2B3P Houses (70m2), with provisions for rear gardens and 200% parking.

Dash Architecture were consulted at the feasibility stage and then appointed to the contractor’s design team during the novation stage. The houses are wheelchair accessible in line with Building Regulations Part M requirements for visitable dwellings.  As with all our projects, the dedicated energy strategy maintains a ‘fabric first’ approach, but always aims beyond the statutory minimum. This project is therefore compliant with the latest approved documents but looks to the future to omit the use gas propelled boilers in line with Stockport’s aspirational policies by adopting the use of an air source heat pump.


The construction meets or exceeds the following design standards:-

- BS 8300: 2001 Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people.

- Design and Quality Standards 2007.

- Building Regulations Part M 2015 (inc.2016 amendments)

- Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) (referred to for guidance)

- Lifetime Homes Requirement (referred to for guidance)

- Equality Act 2010