


Mar 2019 - Ongoing


Contract docs and LOI

Value & scheme:




This circa 1970’s concrete framed tower block and site is owed by Stockport MBC and managed and operated by Stockport Homes Group. The building is sited in a predominately-residential area with buildings which are generally between 2-4 storeys. External thermal/rendered cladding boards with double glazed windows to all habitable areas was part of improvement works undertaken in 2012/13. The external building fabric and services to Hollywood Towers are therefore generally in good condition. The improvements now required are to improve the site’s relationship with its urban context and aid in the mitigation of anti-social behaviour in and around the site. The existing onsite parking provision is unaffected by the proposals, which is designed to encourage non-resident movement, around the site rather than through it, helping to define what is public realm and what is semi-private. The enhancements to spaces, boundaries and surfaces will provide higher quality public spaces which change the local environment and improve the lives of local people, both on the site and its immediate adjacent spaces.

The design and material selection of the proposed cladding material has been driven to respond to the pragmatic requirements of the existing building material, yet provides a façade at lower level which does not require maintenance and is durable and resistant to anti-social behaviour. The considered simplicity of the elements of cladding and glazing of the proposed elevations are designed to announce and dramatically re-elevate the revised entrance arrangement, instilling a strong ‘sense of place’ for local residents.

The proposals to be delivered in 2020 include, Entrance Lobby improvements and containment, improved access control, external wall cladding, window and door enhancements to the first 3 floors of the south, west ( entrance) and east elevations, including new proposals to the shop approach and bin store enclosure, proposed railing boundary treatment, with gated car park and site entrance fob access control.

This scheme aims to support by enhancing strong, vibrant and healthy communities. Furthermore the scheme enables social affordable housing to continue to operate from the site providing important housing for some of the more vulnerable people in society.