SHG bids farewell to three Board Members
Stockport Homes Group wished a fond farewell to three long standing Board Members, Christine Woolridge, Jo Hague and Robin Burman.
Christine and Jo have both been long-serving Customer Board Members, joining the board in 2014 with a history of involvement with Stockport Homes Group before joining the Board, ensuring that the customers are represented and truly listened to.
Robin has been an invaluable member of the Stockport Homes Group Board and the SKylight Board.
“My admiration for Stockport Homes Group as a Social Housing Provider spurred me on to agree to become a Board Member. During my time I have obviously learnt many things about social housing, have worked with excellent Board Members, Directors and SHG Officers. I have really enjoyed my time on the Board, and so glad to have been a voice and been able to make contributions as a Tenant Board Member.”
“Thank you for always making me feel welcome at meetings, events over the previous 9 years. The various members of the Governance Team over my time at Stockport Homes Group have always been so supportive and patient with all my enquiries. I have enjoyed working with everyone and being actively involved in lots of the changes for all employees and SHG customers. It’s been a very interesting journey and I wish everyone well for the future.”
“I have been involved with Stockport Homes Group for 7 years, initially as Chair and subsequently as Main Board, Viaduct and SKlyight Board Member. It has been a privilege to be part of such a progressive and dynamic organisation. It has been great to see the expansion of our activities, and the really impressive work we do to support residents and the wider community, and I consider SKylight to be the heart of the group in this respect.”
We are sad to say goodbye to Christine, Jo and Robin from our Board of Directors. Your experience and wealth of knowledge has been invaluable to allow us to continue to deliver excellent services to all customers . On behalf of SHG, thank you for your dedication, time and commitment. We wish you all the best in the future.
Jenny OsbourneChair of Stockport Homes Group's Board
If you would like to know more about our Board Members head to our website