GMP and Stockport Homes work together to close another property down due to persistent Anti-Social Behaviour

The Safer Neighbourhoods Team at Stockport Homes Group have successfully secured a Closure Order on a property at Durham House on York Street Estate, following an escalation in reports of serious anti -social behaviour. Working closely with Greater Manchester Police and the Council, the Safer Neighbourhoods Team was able to gather sufficient evidence to take legal action against the property and its tenant. Utilizing powers under the ‘Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014’.  

The Closure Order was granted at a hearing in Stockport Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday 13th September 2023, and came following persistent anti-social behaviour, which was occurring at the property and having a detrimental effect on the local residents and the community. The Safer Neighbourhoods Team and Greater Manchester Police had received complaints of a high number of visitors coming and going from the property, damage to the communal entrance, in addition to arguments, drug activity and local residents being threatened by visitors to this property. 

The Closure Order means that no one is permitted to reside in, or visit, the property as is for a period of three months. The order will provide respite and protection for the residents who were affected by the behaviours whilst Stockport Homes Group proceeds to take back permanent possession of this property. 

Central Policing & Response team said; 

"Greater Manchester Police are committed to support residents that report anti-social behaviour and will take a firm stance on those who breach regulations and cause distress to other residents. Response officers and Neighbourhood teams have worked hard in a collaborative partnership with Stockport Homes Group to enforce a closure order granted on 13th September 2023." 
Stockport Central NBO Inspector 12777 Picton. 

John Bowker (1)

All our residents have the right to feel safe and secure in their homes, which is why we continue to take decisive and firm action in collaboration with Greater Manchester Police where it is needed to tackle all forms of anti-social behavior. This closure order will provide our residents with much-needed respite and confidence in the fact that we will not tolerate such behaviours.

John Bowker
Executive Director of Operations at Stockport Homes