Week in the life of a Venue Lead
The weather has behaved itself this week and the Venue space has been working hard. Not a bright weather week but our onsite Coffee Shop and Caterer provider has brought such a beautiful array of colour in the shape of fresh fruit sharing platters; There’s been a lot of training sessions booked into our rooms this week and strangely all sort of linked; Starting employment and Starting a business.
Jayne Lomas, Venue Lead
As part of SHG’s wider community projects, the venue was able to host the ‘Jobs Jumpstart’ employment programme. The program is aimed at helping 18 - 24 year olds into employment, delivering a variety of training courses to prepare for guaranteed interviews arranged through the DWP.

‘Jobs Jumpstart’ employment programme workshop
We also welcomed GM Business Growth Hub for their ‘Enterprise You, Starting your Business Workshop’ to the venue space. The start-up workshop attends the Venue space once every second month, giving training and advise to attendees looking to start their own businesses.

Pictured Daniela Knight from The Growth Company and Ian Taylor from Bakersson